Results for 'Christien den Anker'

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  1.  56
    Human Rights in Iran: The Ethnography of ‘Others’ and Global Political Theory.Christien Van Den Anker - 2008 - Journal of International Political Theory 4 (2):265-282.
    Knowledge about the ‘other’ is one of the founding pillars for the development of global political theory. Although human rights are an important part of the moral and legal discourse on global governance, there is still a gap between these theories and detailed accounts of human rights violations and the context for resistance. This article examines the treatment of the ‘other’ in a specific country (Iran), and the oppression as Muslims of Iranians living abroad, in order to begin to fill (...)
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    ‘No one is illegal before god.’ An interview with Jan Pronk,1 The Hague, August 2007.Christien Van Den Anker - 2008 - Journal of Global Ethics 4 (1):79 – 88.
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  3. The Right to Be Impaired and the Legacy of Eugenics: A Critical Reading of the UN Convention on “Disability” Rights.Christien den Anker - 2015 - In Darian Meacham (ed.), Medicine and Society, New Perspectives in Continental Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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  4. Trafficking and women's rights: Beyond the sex industry to 'other industries'.Christien van den Anker - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (2):163 – 182.
    In this article I put forward three lines of argument. Firstly, the current debate on trafficking in human beings focuses narrowly on exploitation in the sex industry. This has produced a stand-off between moralists and liberals which is detrimental to developing strategies to combat trafficking. Moreover, this narrow focus leads to missing out the large numbers of women who are trafficked into other industries. It also masks some of the root causes of trafficking. In this article I therefore compare the (...)
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    Introduction.Christien Van Den Anker - 2010 - Journal of International Political Theory 6 (1):47-50.
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    First page preview.Christien van den Anker, Sirkku Hellsten & Heather Widdows - 2007 - Journal of Global Ethics 3 (3).
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    The Nature of Political Theory.Christien van den Anker - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (3):323-325.
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    Editorial.Christien Van Den Anker - 2007 - Journal of Global Ethics 3 (1):1 – 2.
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    Transnationalism and Cosmopolitanism: Towards Global Citizenship?Christien van den Anker - 2010 - Journal of International Political Theory 6 (1):73-94.
    The concept of transnationalism, despite a variety of earlier uses, has recently been used to describe the sociological phenomenon of cross-border migrants considering more than one place ‘home’. This can be in terms of identity and belonging, cultural expression, family and other social ties, visits, financial flows, organising working life in more than one nation-state or transnational political projects. In this paper I discuss the theory and practice of transnationalism to assess the practical, explanatory and normative strength of the concept. (...)
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    Journal of Global Ethics editorial announcement.Lori Keleher, Christine M. Koggel & Eric Palmer - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 17 (3):284-284.
    Journal of Global Ethics was founded in 2005 by co-Editors Sirkku Hellsten, Christien van den Anker, and Heather Widdows. It has most often operated as a collabo...
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    Medienlandschaft Saar: Von 1945 Bis in Die Gegenwart.Michael Kuderna, Rainer Hudemann & Clemens Zimmermann (eds.) - 2010 - Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag.
    1;Band 1;4 1.1;Inhalt;6 1.2;Einfuhrung in das Gesamtprojekt;8 1.3;Einfuhrung in den Band 1;26 1.4;Medienpolitik im Zeichen von Demokratisierung, Kontrolle und Teilautonomie;42 1.4.1;Tagespresse im Saargebiet 1918 1945;44 1.4.2;Demokratisierung im inneren Widerspruch;68;Franzosische und saarlandische Printmedienpolitik 1945 1955;68 1.4.3;Kirchen, Medien, Offentlichkeiten;108;Eine medienpolitische Kirchengeschichte der Saarautonomie 1945 1959;108 1.5;Rundfunk und Fernsehen;134 1.5.1;Die Saarlandmacher;136;Der Aufbau des Saarlandischen Rundfunks und die Autonomie des Landes 1946 1955;136 1.5.2;Musik als Anker politischer und medialer Attraktivitat;200;Umfang und Grenzen der franzosischen Impulse in der musikalischen Programmgestaltung des (...)
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  12. Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory.Bert van den Brink & David Owen (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The topic of recognition has come to occupy a central place in debates in social and political theory. Developed by George Herbert Mead and Charles Taylor, it has been given expression in the program for Critical Theory developed by Axel Honneth in his book The Struggle for Recognition. Honneth's research program offers an empirically insightful way of reflecting on emancipatory struggles for greater justice and a powerful theoretical tool for generating a conception of justice and the good that enables the (...)
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    The building blocks of art and its accompanying role and meaning.Chris Jones & Juri Van den Heever - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4).
    In this article, focusing on the building blocks of art with its concomitant role and meaning, we commence with a brief evolutionary overview of the origin of land vertebrates, which culminated in the rise of our species as we view it. We then review three iconic phases of human evolution, colloquially designated as the Neanderthals, the San and the Cro-Magnons, as manifested by their artistic endeavours. We are well aware that the Cro-Magnons are currently regarded as not sufficiently distinct from (...)
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    Computer Ethics and Moral Methodology.Jeroen Van Den Hoven - 1997 - Metaphilosophy 28 (3):234-248.
    In computer ethics, as in other branches of applied ethics, the problem of the justification of moral judgment is still unresolved. I argue that the method which is referred to as “The Method of Wide Reflective Equilibrium” (WRE) offers the best solution to it. It does not fall victim to the false dilemma of having to choose either case‐based particularist or principle‐based universalist approaches to the problem of moral justification. I claim that WRE also provides the best model of practical (...)
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    August 1705 – April 1706.Malte-Ludolf Babin, Gerd van den Heuvel & Regina Stuber - 2017 - De Gruyter.
    Leibniz’ Briefwechsel wird 1705/06 vor allem von den politischen und militärischen Großereignissen bestimmt, über deren Verlauf sich Leibniz informieren lässt und zu denen er eigene Einschätzungen an seine Korrespondenten weitergibt: Zum Spanischen Erbfolgekrieg, zum Nordischen Krieg und zu der Aussicht des Hauses Hannover auf die Thronfolge in England. Um letztere zu forcieren und eine Einladung der Kurfürstin Sophie nach England zu erzwingen, entwirft und publiziert er im Namen von Rowland Gwynne ein Pamphlet, das in London jedoch das genaue Gegenteil bewirkt (...)
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    The relation between consciousness and attention: An empirical study using the priming paradigm.Eva Van den Bussche, Gethin Hughes, Nathalie Van Humbeeck & Bert Reynvoet - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):86-97.
    6 and 14 recently proposed taxonomies that distinguish between four processing states, based on bottom-up stimulus strength and top-down attentional amplification. The aim of the present study was to empirically test these processing states using the priming paradigm. Our results showed that attention and stimulus strength significantly modulated priming effects: either receiving top-down attention or possessing sufficient bottom-up strength was a prerequisite for a stimulus to elicit priming. When both top-down attention and sufficient bottom-up strength were present, the priming effect (...)
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    Recent Work on the Concept of Happiness.Douglas Den Uyl & Tibor R. Machan - 1983 - American Philosophical Quarterly 20 (2):115-134.
    The first part of this project deals with the more recent historical discussions of the topic, Most of which focus on the views of aristotle and j s mill. These two authors turn out to be the focus of attention of most writers who wish to consider the major historical reflections on happiness, Ones that have shaped our thinking on the topic. The second part of this project deals with contemporary original thinking about happiness. Yet here, Too, The major themes (...)
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    Social Influence in Adolescent Decision-Making: A Formal Framework.Simon Ciranka & Wouter van den Bos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Adolescence is a period of life during which peers play a pivotal role in decision-making. The narrative of social influence during adolescence often revolves around risky and maladaptive decisions, like driving under the influence, and using illegal substances. However, research has also shown that social influence can lead to increased prosocial behaviors and a reduction in risk-taking. While many studies support the notion that adolescents are more sensitive to peer influence than children or adults, the developmental processes that underlie this (...)
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    Editorial: ICT and the capability approach.Ilse Oosterlaken & Jeroen van den Hoven - 2011 - Ethics and Information Technology 13 (2):65-67.
    In discussions about justice, development, well-being and equality, the capability approach (CA)Footnote1 founded by economist Amartya Sen and philosopher Martha Nussbaum attaches central importance to individual human capabilities. These are the effective freedoms or real opportunities of people to achieve valuable ‘beings and doings’ (also called ‘functionings’ by capability theorists). Resources—including technical artifacts—may contribute to the expansion of one’s capabilities, but there may also be all sorts of ‘conversion factors’ in place that prevent this. The approach highlights the ‘multidimensionality’ of (...)
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    Correction to: Is This the Rhizome? Thinking Together with Fleur Johns.Geoff Gordon & Dimitri Van Den Meerssche - 2022 - Law and Critique 33 (3):249-249.
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    Climate change, intellectual property rights and global justice.Cristian Timmermann & Henk van den Belt - 2012 - In Thomas Potthast & Simon Meisch (eds.), Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production. Wageningen Academic Publishers. pp. 75-79.
    International negotiations on anthropogenic climate change are far from running smoothly. Opinions are deeply divided on what are the respective responsibilities of developed and developing countries with regard to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the alleviation of the negative effects of global warming. A major bone of contention concerns the role of intellectual property rights (especially patents) in the development and diffusion of climate-friendly technologies. While developing countries consider IPRs as a formidable barrier to the rapid transfer and (...)
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  22. The laws of integer divisibility, and solution sets of linear divisibility conditions.L.den Dries & A. J. Wilkie - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (2):503 - 526.
    We prove linear and polynomial growth properties of sets and functions that are existentially definable in the ordered group of integers with divisibility. We determine the laws of addition with order and divisibility.
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  23. Ludwik Fleck and the causative agent of syphilis: sociology or pathology of science? A rejoinder to Jean Lindenmann.Henk van den Belt - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (4):733-750.
    In 1905 two different microbes were proposed to fill the vacant role of etiologic agent for syphilis, one, the Cytorrhyctes luis, by John Siegel, the other, Spirochaeta pallida, by Fritz Schaudinn. After gathering and reviewing the evidence the majority of medical scientists decided in favor of Schaudinn’s candidate. In a previous issue Jean Lindenmann challenged Ludwik Fleck’s suggestion that under suitable social conditions Siegel’s candidate could just as well have won acceptance by the scientific community . To refute this counterfactual (...)
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  24.  52
    Theology, Politics and Letters at the Crossroads of European Civilization: Jacques Basnage and the Baylean Huguenot Refugees in the Dutch Republic.J. Van den Berg - 1991 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 29 (2):312-314.
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    and Wolfgang Krohn.Gernot Bohme & Wolfgang van den Daele - 2005 - In Nico Stehr & Reiner Grundmann (eds.), Knowledge: critical concepts. New York: Routledge. pp. 302.
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    Conflicting Conceptions of Autonomy: Experiences of Family Carers with Involuntary Admissions of their Relatives.Susanne van den Hooff & Anne Goossensen - 2015 - Ethics and Social Welfare 9 (1):64-81.
  27. I-Object.Bibi Van Den Berg - 2010 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 14 (3):207-225.
    In this article, I will investigate the ways in which Ambient Intelligence, the technological paradigm of the near future proposed by the European Union and the electronics multinational Philips, will affect the ways in which individuals construct and express their identities. The Ambient Intelligence vision predicts a world in which technologies will deliver personalized services in a proactive fashion. I argue that this brings about a change in the way we interact with these technologies, which in turn has an effect (...)
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    Stefano Bocci, Ammiano Marcellino XXVIII e XXIX. Problemi storici e storiografici.Daniël den Hengst - 2016 - Klio 98 (1):396-400.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 1 Seiten: 396-400.
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    Sharing the surplus and proportional values.Yukihiko Funaki, René van den Brink & Zhengxing Zou - 2021 - Theory and Decision 93 (1):185-217.
    We introduce a family of proportional surplus division values for TU-games. Each value first assigns to each player a compromise between her stand-alone worth and the average stand-alone worths over all players, and then allocates the remaining worth among the players in proportion to their stand-alone worths. This family contains the proportional division value and the new egalitarian proportional surplus division value as two special cases. We provide characterizations for this family of values, as well as for each single value (...)
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    Beyond the Concrete: Toward an Art of Living with Abstract Conditions.Yoni Van Den Eede - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):451-454.
    Responding to the commentaries by Corey Anton and Ian Angus, I outline anew, and so seek to further clarify, the starting points of and motivations behind my reflection about the concrete-abstract distinction and the ways in which this plays out in technology use, seen from an epistemological standpoint. My eventual purpose is to begin to develop, on the basis of the conceptual exercise, guidelines for an emancipatory ‘art of living with technology,’ that circles around the attempt to think beyond the (...)
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    Concrete/abstract: Sketches for a Self-Reflexive Epistemology of Technology Use.Yoni Van Den Eede - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):433-442.
    This essay takes an epistemological perspective on the question of the ‘art of living with technology.’ Such an approach is needed as our everyday notion and understanding of technology keep being framed in the old categories of instrumentalism and essentialism—notwithstanding philosophy of technology’s substantial attempts, in recent times, to bridge the stark dichotomy between those two viewpoints. Here, the persistent dichotomous thinking still characterizing our everyday involvement with technology is traced back to the epistemological distinction between ‘concrete’ and ‘abstract.’ Those (...)
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    Healthcare professionals under pressure in involuntary admission processes.Susanne van den Hooff, Carlo Leget & Anne Goossensen - 2015 - Nursing Philosophy 16 (4):177-186.
    The main objective of this paper is to describe how quality of care may be improved during an involuntary admission process of patients suffering from Korsakoff's syndrome. It presents an empirically grounded analysis with different perspectives on ‘doing good’ during this process. Family carers', healthcare professionals' and legal professionals' ways of understanding and ordering this problematic situation appear very different. This could prevent patients from getting the proper care they need, with risk of more suffering and quality of life below (...)
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  33.  4
    Transzendentalität und Analytizität: Studien zur Kritik der reinen Sprache im Umkreis einer logisch-philosophischen Propädeutik.Holger van den Boom - 1974 - Köln: [S.N.].
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    Werkelijkheid en waarheid volgens Brahmanen en Boeddhisten: levensbeschouwelijke en natuurwetenschappelijke opvattingen in India en hun betekenis voor het Westen.P. L. Van den Bergh - 1991 - Amersfoort: Bekking.
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    How to count chromosomes in a cell: An overview of current and novel technologies.Bjorn Bakker, Hilda van den Bos, Peter M. Lansdorp & Floris Foijer - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (5):570-577.
    Aneuploidy, an aberrant number of chromosomes in a cell, is a feature of several syndromes associated with cognitive and developmental defects. In addition, aneuploidy is considered a hallmark of cancer cells and has been suggested to play a role in neurodegenerative disease. To better understand the relationship between aneuploidy and disease, various methods to measure the chromosome numbers in cells have been developed, each with their own advantages and limitations. While some methods rely on dividing cells and thus bias aneuploidy (...)
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  36.  19
    Moral foundations theory and the narrative self: towards an improved concept of moral selfhood for the empirical study of morality.Tom Gerardus Constantijn van den Berg & Luigi Dennis Alessandro Corrias - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-27.
    Within the empirical study of moral decision making, people’s morality is often identified by measuring general moral values through a questionnaire, such as the Moral Foundations Questionnaire provided by Moral Foundations Theory (MFT). However, the success of these moral values in predicting people’s behaviour has been disappointing. The general and context-free manner in which such approaches measure moral values and people’s moral identity seems crucial in this respect. Yet, little research has been done into the underlying notion of self. This (...)
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  37.  18
    De Rechtsvraag der Vhristenvervolgingen in het Romeinsche Rijk omstreeks het jaar 200.J. N. Bakhuizen van den Brink - 1946 - HTS Theological Studies 3 (3/4).
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  38. The Politics of Time: Reflections on Time, Memory and History.Antoon Van den Braembussche - 1999 - In Anne Ollila (ed.), Historical perspectives on memory. Helsinki: SHS. pp. 171-193.
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    Descartes, Modalities, and God.Gusbert Van Den Brink - 1993 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 33 (1):1 - 15.
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  40. Timetabling Problems at the TU Eindhoven.John van den Brock, Cor Hurkens & Gerhard Woeginger - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 210.
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    Introduction to the special issue: Current developments in cultivation research.Jan Van den Bulck - 2004 - Communications 29 (3):273-275.
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    Kan het middenveld ‘Europa’ redden?Marjolijn Bulk, Esther van den Berg & Joke Wiercx - 2008 - Res Publica 50 (3):319-336.
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    Perfect knowledge revisited.S. T. Dekker, H. J. van den Herik & I. S. Herschberg - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 43 (1):111-123.
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  44. Human autonomy in the age of computer-mediated agency.Jos de Mul & Bibi van den Berg - 2011 - In Mireille Hildebrandt & Antoinette Rouvroy (eds.), Law, human agency, and autonomic computing: the philosophy of law meets the philosophy of technology. New York, NY: Routledge.
  45. Benaderbaar verleden.W. den Boer - 1952 - Leiden,: Universitaire Pers Leiden.
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  46. Počitadlo: sedm proslovů k jeho Veličenstvu Lidu.Petr Den - 1961 - New York: Universum Press Co..
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  47. Nouveaux développements dans le district hydrographique de la Meuse; L'eau potable dans le plan de.Sacha de Rijk, Gerard van den Berg & Leo Puijker - 2006 - Substance 2007:2008.
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  48. von Ernst Topitsch Universität den Sozialwissenschaften der Gesetzesbegriff - 1968 - In Raymond Klibansky (ed.), Contemporary philosophy. Firenze,: La nuova Italia. pp. 141.
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    Simultaneous DBS and fMRI in the rodent brain.Van Den Berge Nathalie, Dauwe Ine, Vanhove Christian, Van Mierlo Pieter, Raedt Robrecht, Vonck Kristl, Boon Paul & Van Holen Roel - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  50. Die Sapir-Whorf-Hypothese und die Sprache der Physik.Holger van den Boom - 1981 - In Friedrich Rapp (ed.), Naturverständnis und Naturbeherrschung: philosophiegeschichtliche Entwicklung und gegenwärtiger Kontext. München: Fink.
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